Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Young Sad and Twisted

Another song written when I was the title of the song (ironically the girl it was aimed at turned out to not be in the penis business, perhaps Young, sad, and thick might be a better title). The guitar is tuned so high, but it`s not mine, and I`m recording this in the downstairs toilet (not whilst using it, I feel I must add) remember it`s late and we`ve got kids, hence the rather strained vocal. Worth listening to for the fantastic natural ability my voice has for realising it`s in a different key, just a fraction too late. The singing equivalent of being caught looking at a lass in the pub and averting your gaze that little bit too slowly. Hope you like it. If you do tell your friends, if you don`t, balls to it still tell your friends, they might.


  1. I think you've cracked it, only all the audio plays automaticaly at the same time... come on nephrons.

  2. A strained vocal in the downstairs toilet!!? Sure you wernt niPPING ONE OFF!!
