Saturday 28 February 2009

This is not a bad song.

Words: Davies, Music: Dalton, Davies, Dent.

So I`ve now managed to get another tape recording converted to WAV, converted to MP3, and then added to the Blog. This, to paraphrase John Lydon, is not a bad song. It`s the recycle thieves, which I posted an acoustic version of earlier, and got quite good comments about.

Jackal: Bass.
Dental: Drums.
DA Mark: Guitar, vocals.

Jackal actually mentioned that he did not have a clue about any of the words as it was the first time we played this particular version of the song last night, and was looking mainly at Dental for clues for structural changes. So here are the lyrics.

Go on and break up, it wouldn`t a loss.
You`re all just match flames, in a universe of dross.
And I don`t think I`ll remember your names in six months time,
be happy with the fact you probably won`t remember mine.

You`re just independent, second hand, music by numbers bands.

You`re heard in nightclubs and a million students rooms.
they sit and wonder how you write such complicated tunes.
Eyes closed, mouth`s wide open, as they sit upon the floor.
Just like theirs parents did, twenty, thirty years before.

You`re just independent, second hand, music by numbers bands.

The talented one isn`t good looking,
the talented one isn`t good looking.
Put him at the back, that`s enough from him.
The talented one isn`t good looking.

You`re heard in nightclubs and a million students rooms.
they sit and wonder how you write such complicated tunes.
But I don`t think they`ll remember you`re names in six months time,
be happy with the fact they probably won`t have heard of mine.

And there you have it.

The Nephrons 27/2/09.

On the evening of 27/2/09, The Nephrons arrived at a rehearsal studio (destination top secret, as all you Groupies out there, we`ve got kids), armed with guitar, bass, snare, tape recorder, and Stylophone. What occurred has gone down in the anals [sic] of history. Take a listen. There will be more, it`s just a case of me perfecting the distance I hold the WAV from the cassette player in the car. George Martin, I`ve shit him.

Words: Davies, Music: Dalton, Davies, Dent.

As promised the Nephrons version. Originated as the guitar version posted previously, Jackal added riff, and Dental added a very sexy drum pattern.

Carlos the Jackal : Guitar and Stylophone.

Nephron D.A. Mark: Bass, vocals.

Nephron Dental: Drums.

Words: Davies, Music: Dalton, Davies, Dent.

A particular favourite of Dental, the delicacies in the melodies between him and DA Mark are almost Wilsonian. It`s just old fashioned loud stuff. Originated as a Bass line by jackal.

Jackal: Bass
Dental: Guitar, backing shouting
DA Mark: Drums, Shouting like a loon.

Drunken Discorderly.
Words: Davies, Music: Dalton,Davies,Dent.

Written on Bass and drums last night whilst Jackal tuned his guitar. Jackal liked what he heard, added very loud guitar, and recorded five miutes later. Six minutes before this was recorded this song didn`t exist. This is a perfect illustratin of what we musicians like to call playing like it`s a race to the end. As you can hear, Dental comes last. The words were inspired by me overhearing a fella at a wedding drunk to hell shouting to his wife in a beer garden "Help me with me shoes".
This really has to be heard live to be appreciated. It`s a closer.

Jackal: Guitar
Dental: Drums
DA Mark: Shouting, Killer Bass.

Music: Dalton.

Occasionally we start something in rehearsal and run out of time. This is a perfect example. So you can listen along and see the evolution of a Nephrons song. Written on guitar By jackal.

So there you have it. Please feel free to leave comments. Keep `em peeled for more stuff.

Saturday 21 February 2009

The recycle thieves

Written years back when Brit Pop was king. The chords have changed several times over the years, but the words have always been the same, as they still seem so apt.

Please don`t Go

Originally written on piano, This is a song about knowing that you are going to be losing a loved one. Or if you like wanting a good mate to stay a bit longer.

Friday 20 February 2009


Afternoon to you all, and as you can probably see, THE SITE IS FINALLY WORKING!! Carlos The Jackal has promised that he will be sending some stuff over the next couple of days, so I`ll post that as soon as I can. Played a bit of Bluegrass Banjo with Northern Banjo Boy, and Carlos on wednesday night,and I have to tell you, it sounded pretty good, just a bit of tightening and song structure to work on ("is it intro, verse, verse, chorus, verse, or intro verse,chorus,verse chorus" etc, you get the drift) and criminally WE FORGOT TO BRING ANY RECORDING EQUIPMENT WITH US!!!!! But the combination of Mandolin, guitar, and Banjo sounded great. Still feel the need to make some noise, so a Nephrons rehearsal has been booked for next Friday (and this time there will be recording, oh yes). Keep listening, more stuff on the way.

Saturday 14 February 2009

All for One

This is a song that was written in 2006, in a cold room on the top floor of an old house.

good stuff

This fella just keeps getting better. Here he is when I was just starting infants. What a band!

Tuesday 10 February 2009

Young Sad and Twisted

Another song written when I was the title of the song (ironically the girl it was aimed at turned out to not be in the penis business, perhaps Young, sad, and thick might be a better title). The guitar is tuned so high, but it`s not mine, and I`m recording this in the downstairs toilet (not whilst using it, I feel I must add) remember it`s late and we`ve got kids, hence the rather strained vocal. Worth listening to for the fantastic natural ability my voice has for realising it`s in a different key, just a fraction too late. The singing equivalent of being caught looking at a lass in the pub and averting your gaze that little bit too slowly. Hope you like it. If you do tell your friends, if you don`t, balls to it still tell your friends, they might.


This is Jamboree, an early Nephrons song. I`ve played it in regular tuning on a guitar that sounds like it was regularly tuned for Tiny Tim, hence the rather strained vocal. I never said I was a singer, but hell, just have a go is what i say. Done properly it has a great riff running through it, and very sexy drumming, keep`em peeled for the proper version.

Sunday 8 February 2009

For all you people Who I have recommended joining the world of The Nephrons, don`t worry, audio will be forthcoming of classic Nephron Hits such as Jamboree, Eston California, and I can still smell you on my pillow. I`ve just got to work out the logistics of how to do so, with my I.T. and BLOG Guru Northern Banjo Boy.

Check out his fantastic blog on It`s a delight.

Saturday 7 February 2009

About The Nephrons.

The Nephrons were born in about 1982 when myself and two friends (Carl and Mark) began playing guitar with each other in the front bedroom of Carl`s house. We didn`t know we were called the Nephrons at the time, we just thought that we were going to take over the world with RAWK. We`ve been playing together since then with others occasionally popping in and out (Kitson was a drummer for a while) and have played in other bands (The Rachel Fields, Stink, Her Majesties Tax and income) throughout the years, but we always end up coming back together. The Nephrons name was picked from a number of choices (Mark and his mates, the Glitter twins, now you can figure why we went with Nephrons) in about 2006. We thought that the Doves had the right idea, swapping instruments so nobody playing one particular instrument.

Mark De. Drums, backing vocals, bass guitar, rhythm guitar.
Carl.D. Lead and rhythm guitar, Bass guitar, Mandolin.
Me. Vocals (of a fashion), rhythm and lead guitar, drums, Banjo, piano, bass guitar.

Our songs are good honest music, but here`s the thing, we`ve all got kids (one of each all of us) under six, so practising and playing is really difficult. So that`s why I have created this Blog. To get the music out there.